Write For Us

Send a guest post Technology, business, Gadgets, digital marketing, marketing, SEO, lifestyle.
Wiki Tech Updates blog providing an opportunity to write for us / submit a guest post to our website. Convincing guest posts from Wiki Tech Updates on technology, business, technology news, digital marketing, SEO, gadgets, computers, hardware, apps / reviews, and topics from various categories to write for us. Do you have experience on a topic that you would like to share with our audience? These are a great way to share your experience and advice with others so they can get started, grow their business, and their financial situations. Write to us to expand your reach, promote your business, build links, and more. If you don’t have content and want us to write Contact us. You can also E-mail us to “[email protected]”.
Guidelines for Business Technology Guest Post Wiki Tech Updates
- Publication of posts with a permanent DOFOLLOW and excellent SEO value links.
- We will not publish purely promotional texts.
- Use images without copyright / copyrights.
- Add resources if the article is a collaboration of ideas and thoughts.
- Increase your influence online.
- We will add internal and external links to improve SEO and make the article look more natural.
- We will NOT post articles related to drugs, s * x, alcohol, and these words, and links MUST NOT be inside the post!
If you are going to provide us with an item:
- Must be 100% unique.
- Must be at least 800 words.
- May have max 2 links in the article, 1 for your homepage another to your internal page.
High authority and unique guest posts that link to your asset will increase its value and help Google understand that your site is valuable.
Blogging as a guest means posting an article on someone else’s website or blog. There are many advantages for the website owner and also for the guest blogger when this happens. Some of the benefits are listed below.
What is the guest post?
Basically the guest post currently posts articles or blogs on different websites. There are several websites that accept blog posts from volunteer writers. Other than this, each Guest blogging site will post a post if it is original, distinctive, and relevant.
The next facet of Guest guest-It is the off-page search engine optimization technique used to acquire a referral link from other approved sites.
As we mentioned earlier, various guest posting sites have different stipulations, like blogging. Membership in a guest blogging site can be paid or free. And for each guest blogger, the number of posts is restricted.
In the meantime, in the case, the guest blogger includes a website of some importance, using the guest posting site could add your website connection in the guest article. Not only does this guest post has added benefits too. Keeping everything online, let’s look at all the benefits of guest blogging.
Benefits of guest posting
A huge gain from guest blogging would be referral links. However, the benefits of guest posting will be outside of this. Guest posting enhances your online existence, not only on the navigation engines but also on unique websites. Another added benefit of guest posting would be website SEO (search engine optimization). Let’s take a look at the advantages of guest posting:
- Establish authority
- More link juice
- Social media benefits
- Importance of high authority backlinks
- Branding
- Increase website traffic
- Generate leads
Let’s have a summary of all the benefits of guest posting
1. Establish authority
The quality of the posts on the website is of great importance in producing popular and applicable websites. By promoting well-written and authoritative site content and posts, a website stands as an authority on the subject. Search spiders enjoy websites that have real information to offer you. The guest blogger benefits from posting sites promoting real articles by vulnerability to market category viewers who are really seeking advice. Therefore, the guest blogger determines his authority for a high-quality author.
2. More link juice
A website is useless if you don’t have a penny. It is a simple fact that no one can fire. Hosting a website involves the use of resources, efforts in addition to money. Why waste attempts? By posting guests, you will earn not only cash but will even feature on the top pages of your search engine success.
How? Well, among many standards, like search engines, there is the characteristic of links that point to an Internet website. These are known as off-site links. The more links you have from related websites that point to your website, the higher your chances of being in the top ten list on the search results page. By publishing posts on websites that are associated with or very similar to a website, you increase the degree of ranking through quality backlinks.
3. Social media benefits
Since the era of Web 2.0, it is only logical to connect your content and eventually become part of your ‘inner circle’. Guest posts are shared with subscribers and discussed on many different websites and social media forums. This allows a writer to know multiple points of view on the exact same topic, which adds to her knowledge base, making her a much better author.
4. Importance of high authority backlinks
High authority backlinks are particularly valuable to SEO as they signify a “vote of confidence” from one website to another. Essentially, traffic to your website is a signal to the search engines that many others give your content. If many sites link to the same web page or website, search engines can infer that it pays to connect with the content and therefore pays to appear in a SERP as well. Therefore, making these high authority backlinks can have a beneficial impact on a website’s rank position for search visibility.
5. Brand
Guest posting is a great way to create your own new name. You have the thought. You have the content. You simply have no method of telling other people about it. Guest posting can ensure that you discuss your thoughts with viewers who are genuinely interested in the information you need to offer. Its market composition shows it as new. Several websites publish the image of the writer to give credibility to these publications. Then you have the guest blogger just for one brand!
6. Increase website traffic
To get a website operator, online traffic would be your main concern. Guest posting solves this problem in many ways. First of all, if you choose to get a guest post, please choose the most applicable website. Just like if you own a health product, go to medical guest posting websites.
This could state through the guest posting that we could target our potential audience and with the help of links that visitors could make to our website. So look for high-authority websites related to your topic that also have a fantastic amount of visitors. Because in the event that the guest posting website does not have quality visitors, you will not receive any positive aspects.
Remember to put a couple of links on your own website from your guest post. 1 guest post can redirect more than 1000 traffic visitors to your website, which can transform into potential customers.
7. Generate leads
In lead generation, you will need an audience base interested in your products and services. Therefore, for potential customers, you want to filter your essential audience.
Guest posting provides you with that filter. Throughout the guest post, you are reaching out to your relevant audience. This says that the audiences who read your site, currently have interest and understanding of the subject.
When you build a good reader base for any guest post it means that readers are impressed with the information you have shared and they also have faith in you. Such readers can easily be converted into leads.
Still, if the viewer is not turning into potential customers, a positive connection is needed with you and your services.
We Accept Technology Write For Us On Related Topics
- Information Technology (IT) Write For Us, Science & Technology, Digital Trends, Technology Blog Write For Us
- Tech News, Tech Gadgets, Tech Trends, and Tech Updates
- Smart Home Automation & Security Systems, Robotics, Cybersecurity, Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
- Business, Marketing, Growth Hacking, Finance, E-commerce, Affiliate Marketing
- Machine learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Chatbots
- Automobile Industry or Automobile Manufacturers or Automotive Industry or Automakers
- Cloud Computing, Data Science, Saas, DevOps, BigData, Data Analytics
- Gadgets, Web Apps, Mobile Apps, Android & Apple iOS Apps, Games, Reviews, & Ratings
- Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR) & Augmented Reality (AR)
- Internet, VPN, Security, Telecom, Network, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP), 4G, 5G, LTE, 4G LTE, & VoLTE, etc.
- Telecommunication, IT Services, Managed Services
- Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), Software Defined Network (SDN), SD-WAN, Data Center.
- UX & UI Design, Web Technology, Web Design, and Web Development
- Web Technologies like Javascript, jQuery, React JS, AngularJS &, etc.
- Software Programming & Instructions (Python, C#, Java, R-Language, SQL, etc.)
- WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins & updates
- Education, Teaching, E-learning technology, Tutoring, Essay Writing
- Digital Marketing (DM), Digital Marketing, SEO, Content SEO, Technical SEO, On-Page, Off-Page & SEO Audit Tools
- Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, Online Marketing Tools (SEO), Content SEO, Technical SEO, On-Page, Off-Page & SEO Audit Tools
- Social Media Marketing (SMM), Email Marketing, Online Marketing Tools, Content Marketing
- Page Authority (PA), Domain Authority (DA), URL Rating (UR), Domain Rating (DR)
- Infographics, Guesto graphics, Case Studies, & Checklists
- Top 10’s and Top 20’s
- Technology Guides, Tech Tips, Tips and Tricks, Tech Trends, Strategies, Tactics, Trends, Tips, Tricks, and more!
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inurl technology: “guest post”
technology + inurl: “guest blogger”
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Technology + text: “this is a sponsored post”
Technology + text: “this was a sponsored post”
Technology + text: “this is a paid publication”
Technology + text: “this was a paid publication”
Technology + intext: “this is a sponsored review”
Technology + intext: “this was a sponsored review”
Technology + text: “this is a paid review”
Technology + text: “this was a paid review”
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Technology + “Top 10 Sites /” Top Sites “
Technology + “Top 10 Websites” / “Top Websites”
Technology + “Top 10 Articles” / “Main Articles”
Technology + “Top 10 Tools” / “Top Tools”
Technology + “Top 10 Web Resources” / “Top Web Resources”
Technology + “Top 10 Internet Resources” / “Top Internet Resources”
Technology + “Top 10 Online Resources” / “Top Online Resources”
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Technology + “useful resources” / “interesting resources”
Technology + “favorite resources”
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Technology + “favorite sites”
Technology + “recommended websites” / “suggested websites”
Technology + “useful websites” / “interesting websites”
Technology + “favorite websites”
Technology + text: “this is a sponsored post”
Technology + text: “this was a sponsored post”
Technology + text: “this is a paid publication”
Technology + text: “this was a paid publication”
Technology + intext: “this is a sponsored review”
Technology + intext: “this was a sponsored review”
Technology + text: “this is a paid review”
Technology + text: “this was a paid review”
How to Submit Your Article
Once your article meets our guidelines, you can send it to “[email protected]”
In case of any issue, write for us anytime at “[email protected]” We will resolve the problem within 24 hours.