11 Keys To Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy

11 Keys To Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy

Practicing social listening, being aware of market trends, using Google My Business or measuring results are some of the most powerful actions that help you enhance your content marketing strategy . In this article we delve into them and others so that you know how to put them into practice. Let’s go there!

1. Activate the radar of market trends and developments

Marketing is one of the sectors that changes and evolves the most every year Thus, what is a trend at the beginning of the year may no longer be a trend at the end, and vice versa. Therefore, something that every marketing expert (regardless of their field of expertise) should do if they want their strategy to be successful is to periodically review the current trends and select those that may be interesting for their sector .

And another important point is knowing how to detect which trends should be followed and which should not , as some may be interesting in a type of market or for a specific type of audience, but counterproductive for others.

To stay up to date with trends, we recommend that you read blogs from recognized portals and marketing agencies.

2. Don’t forget your Buyer Persona

The buyer persona is a fictitious representation of a company’s ideal customer. Characteristics such as age, gender, educational level, etc. are grouped into the buyer persona.

For content marketing, the buyer persona is very useful because:

  • It helps us choose the appropriate tone and words for the content, since we do not address an older person in the same way as a young person.
  • It makes it easier for us to identify the pain points of our audience and know what our content has to be about so that it awakens the consumer’s interest.
  • As a company can have several buyer personas, identifying them helps us create different lines of communication .

Don’t forget that buyer personas are not static and can vary over time. Therefore, as a company it is advisable that you update your buyer persona over time.

3. Practice Social Listening

Social listening is a practice that consists of analyzing what is said about a brand on social networks and drawing conclusions about how the company’s reputation is doing and what is liked most and least.

For content marketing, social listening is very useful because it helps to know what topics interest the audience and what can be improved.

To do this, the most common thing is to monitor the private messages that the brand receives on networks, the comments on its own publications and those of the competition, as well as those that the audience comments on the profiles of the brand ambassadors when they talk about the product or service.

4. Strengthen your SEO strategy

Optimizing content for search engines is a great tool within content marketing not only to attract new customers, but also to work on brand image, brand awareness and thus become a reference in the market. sector.

Like other aspects of marketing, SEO also undergoes variations over time and it is important to stay up to date to know what is really important when writing the content of a page and optimizing it.

However, what will always be important is that the content responds to the user’s search intention. If search engines detect that your content is not being useful, no matter how much you follow the SEO guidelines, you will not position your content well.

5. Incorporate the video

The video format is one of the formats that receives the most online traffic and that is why you should include it in your content marketing strategy. Otherwise, you will be losing a large number of potential clients.

But before you jump in, analyze which platform is best for you to develop this format. On Instagram, on TikTok or maybe on YouTube? Maybe in all three? Maybe it is interesting to also include videos in your ecommerce or website? Be that as it may, video has and promises to continue to have great power in the world of marketing due to its ease of consumption and its level of visual appeal.

Also Read: The power of video marketing in generating sales

6. Take advantage of UGC to create new content

UGC stands for User Generated Content, that is, content about a brand that people upload to the network, but organically and without receiving any type of compensation for it (unlike influencers or brand ambassadors).

Within the UGC we can find publications on social networks, comments, reviews, among others… That is, any type of material that talks about a brand , but that is not paid.

Many brands use this type of content to their advantage by implementing it in their content marketing strategy because it provides reality and naturalness , two things that consumers demand a lot today.

7. Use the Google Business Profile showcase

Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) is a completely free tool from Google where users can create company profiles and manage their visibility in the search engine .

We could say that Google Business Profile is the great showcase in the Google search engine for brands , since it allows users to show a profile in which reviews, contact information, images appear… And not only that, as a brand you can respond to comments and show your physical location , among other aspects.

8. Use AI to generate content

AI is here to stay and be another useful tool in content marketing. As an expert, it is not about it doing your job, but about it being a support , like any other tool, and inspiring and helping you in writing, strategy and content management.

Although it is not the best tool to obtain accurate data, as it can make mistakes, it is a very interesting resource when it comes to getting inspiration and ideas .

ChatGPT is already a classic, but it is not the only AI tool that can help us in content marketing. Platforms like Grammarly, Copysmith or AnswerThePublic are just a few examples.

9. Analyze your customer data

Analyzing and collecting data about your customers’ journey is a great exercise to know which content has piqued their interest the most and has helped them advance through the sales funnel. This way, you will know which topics or types of content you should focus on most due to their high effectiveness and discard those that have lower performance.

But, in addition, it is also interesting to analyze your customers’ journey to learn more about your audience , be able to develop better segmentation and generate more personalized content adapted to each type of audience.

In short, a customer journey analysis not only helps you generate content that better responds to the needs of your audience and do better segmentation, but also increases conversions.

10. Take advantage of technology

A content marketing professional is not someone alone in front of a blank page on the computer. Today there are a large number of tools that help content experts both to write, devise content strategies and manage them.

Beyond AI tools there is a wide variety of technology that every content expert should use, such as content planners, keyword managers, content upload tools, spell checkers, plugins to improve SEO…

These tools not only reduce possible human errors , but also make work easier and save time ; Ultimately, they improve the performance of the content marketing expert.

Also Read: How to use Storytelling in your marketing strategy to increase sales

11. Measure your results

Imagine that you implement all the keys that we have listed in this article. How will you know if they are bearing fruit or if, on the contrary, they are not being effective and you should give them a look? Well, with this we come to the last key to promoting a content marketing strategy.

Periodically analyzing the results that our marketing actions are giving is a job equal to or more important than any other in the world of content marketing. Otherwise, if we skip this step, it would be like going blindly and trusting in a kind of luck that sometimes works and other times it doesn’t. And, of course, uncertainty is something we want as far away from our brand as possible, right?

In addition, today there are many metrics and statistics integrated into different platforms (such as those found on social networks), and also their own analysis tools that are dedicated exclusively to analyzing marketing actions.

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