The name elitetorrent is one of the most famous websites for downloading torrent files, such as grantorrent , where we usually find movies and series, but also software such as games.
Given the recent decision of the European Parliament to prosecute in Spain the broadcasts of televised matches that are broadcast on websites such as atrespalos or rojadirecta, we consider it appropriate to deal with the case of Elite Torrent to analyze its pros and cons as well as its legal status and the alternatives to this type of websites, which many fans use to watch sports movies and content related to activities that we usually echo in this sports betting blog.
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What is elitetorrent?
The elitetorrent and substitutes website is a page in the downloads category; specifically downloading torrent files, also specialized in movies and series.
In any case, in the first months of the project, documentaries, games and songs could be found in different file formats. These types of websites compete among sports fans to become a means of consuming sports movies, sports-themed series or, lately, sports documentaries.
However, in addition to the sports streaming websites that we have already explained, they share drawbacks such as their uncertain legal status, such as with websites of the Rojadirecta type , Elitetorrent has also had to do with so-called download websites. Direct websites (that do not use torrent files) have also been new destinations for their visitors. And currently, as of May 21, 2021, we can confirm that the original Elite Torrent website is no longer operational.
Elitetorrent downloads
We have presented Elitetorrent as a download website, although to differentiate it from direct download websites such as Megaforeros or Exvagos, we must explain that the majority of the files available to users in their movie and series portfolio are files called torrent.
What are torrent files?
Torrent files have the ability to store content in very little space that has the potential to be downloaded as soon as it is accessed through a special client such as BiTorrent or Utorrent, which opens and activates the torrent files.
The novelty of this format is that it uses peer to peer (p2p) technology, unlike what happens with traditional downloads, in which the file is hosted on a specific server; In this case, the torrent files are shared through a network of users in a decentralized way, yes, like with cryptocurrencies! They make their computers available so that another user can download part of the content through the Internet. Normally these torrent files are shared through what is known as a link or link magnet, which is a reference to the specific file within the P2P network where it is located.
What are torrents for?
Download websites in general and torrent files in particular serve to be done in a simple way, although often outside the law since the majority of torrent files that appear on these websites do not have permissions or copyrights, so movies, series and all kinds of content.
Although we cannot recommend its use, even more so given the current scenario of judicial persecution to which these projects are subject in countries of the European Union, we can say that at the level of sports films, it is one of the sources of content used by those who want to enjoy old films and titles that are not found on current on-demand television platforms such as Netflix or Amazon.
Where are torrent files downloaded?
Well, the process explained in the previous section must be carried out in a program like uTorrent, which like other competitors like qBittorrent, Azureus or BitCornet, what they do is be both torrent file search engines, powerful download platforms and in some cases they have already with integrated video players that make it easy to watch movies and series with or without subtitles directly from our device, whether using Windows or iOS.
Elitetorrent domains
As with most download sites, they are considered pirate websites since it is not controlled that the shared torrent files have the property rights for their dissemination. This makes Elitetorrent a website that, although it has ceased to be the reference in download websites for years, continues to appear and disappear through secondary domains. In fact, the main domain of this website (.com) and the second in importance (.net) have been completely inactive for many months since the websites were blocked at the request of a judge.
So a common strategy for websites like Elitetorrent is to change domains on a recurring basis. And on torrent file download websites, as occurs on broadcast websites specialized in online sports such as Pirlotv or Rojadirecta, success translates into greater chances of committing crimes and being prosecuted for it.
In mid-2021, the domains related to the Elitetorrent website, not with the original owners but with the name of the initial project, are the following:
- Elitetorrent.io: how io websites are associated with startup and technology companies.
- Elitetorrent.in
We can also see websites that have modified the original name. For example, we find Elitetorrent-style download websites:
- EliteTorrentt.com
- Elitetorrents.com
That said, the initial Elitetorrent project achieved worldwide fame and became a benchmark among P2P download websites; but it was blocked in February 2019 by Spanish telephone operators following precautionary measures that were later considered definitive.
Elitetorrent apps apps
Download websites, as is the case with streaming websites, usually have applications for mobile devices. These are usually promoted on the website in question or on messaging devices such as Telegram where this type of web projects are promoted and where, in addition to keeping track of the new movie titles and the chapters of the series that are uploaded and data or opinions about actors, directors or news generated on social networks about these productions.
But at the level of applications, it should be noted that there are some legal ones such as APP TV Time (It is also on the web) which, although they only offer legal files, allow you to comment on episodes and movies to rate them. By having a very large community, you get a fairly realistic database of what may be – in our case – the best sports-themed titles to download.
Alternatives to elitetorrent
Among the options most used by fans of sports movies and series, or documentaries such as the Netflix documentary Icarus , we find online content streaming websites and other websites or applications and sites that are known as IPTV (acronym for Internet Protocol Television) and that we could translate as online protocol television platforms such as Kodi or Perfect Player. The case of these two applications is almost identical to what those who we must consider giants of the sector and the most reliable means to watch this type of movies and series have managed to market: streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney + or HBO.
We have tried to do a search for what we consider to be the most popular classic sports-themed movies and certainly 75% are found on the aforementioned streaming platforms such as Netflix, which are also known as OTT (Over The Top) service providers. For example, we find the following sports movies on one of the four platforms mentioned that we consider the best alternatives to Elitetorrent:
- The blind side : in Spain known as “A possible dream”, a film that tells the true story of an NFL player Michael Oher, who achieves sporting success thanks to the faith and trust of a woman, who integrates him into her family and through the efforts of the protagonist he manages to overcome all the barriers that his social condition seemed to prevent him from a career as a professional athlete.
- Invincible or “Invincible”, another film based on real events that tells the life of Vince Papale, a 30-year-old waiter who, under very different circumstances than the majority of candidates, manages to play in the NFL, specifically in the Philadelphia team. Eagles.
- Miracle “The Miracle”: a documentary film that tells the story of the USA ice hockey team in its fight to defeat the favorites in the 1980 Olympic Games: the Soviet Union team.
However, many other sports movies and documentaries that we have searched for in the Netflix or HBO catalogs do not appear. That is why we have tried to locate them on download websites like Elitetorrent, with success. This is the case, for example, of We are Marshall , the story of a plane crash with American football players that becomes the genesis of a new team that will seek success from the memory of its teammates.
Elite torrent legality
Cases like those we have already mentioned when talking about elitegol , with a slow but constant judicial persecution, have opened the door for Spain to stop being in the back car in terms of permissibility with content streaming websites. An activity that in most countries of the European Union is considered illegal and that with the increase in prices of platforms that have the rights to broadcast the sporting events with the most audiences on TV, they continue to add domains and their visitors are counted already for millions.
But from mid-May 2021, the blocking of this type of website will be a reality supported by the jurisdiction. And although two years ago a Spanish court allowed Movistar to block several websites to watch free soccer , now it is the European Parliament that has supported Spain being able to pursue IPTV networks that illegally compete against pay television platforms. . The highest European legislative body has announced that legal measures will be able to be taken instantly and that in just 30 minutes, blocking of live sporting events on these websites will be authorized.
This reality had been difficult to reach before for one reason: that sporting events were not protected by European Union copyright regulations, something that is the case with the films and series we are talking about today.
In any case, we want to make it clear that elitetorrent is a website very similar in form and substance to the dontorrent project that we had already analyzed in a dedicated article on our blog; We must insist that the content shared on these websites must have copyright and its dissemination must be legal, being explicitly visible.
It is expected that from the second half of 2021, the telephone operators themselves in Spain (which, like Movistar, are also holders of broadcasting rights) will be able to take measures in real time to achieve the interruption of illegal sports broadcasts and in a maximum of 30 minutes to leave the domain inaccessible.
Also Read: Best Websites To Download Torrents
Elitetorrent sports
As we have already explained when talking about the domains that are associated with Elitetorrent, we can find numerous extensions that use these words. What is an extension? Well, basically it would be the final part of the name of a domain or web page, a way of trying to make known the nature or theme of the website. For example, the .news or .info extension are usually extensions of news or information websites, while the aforementioned .sport extension is the one used to identify sports-themed websites.
At the level of sports content, most websites to watch streaming of televised matches use .tv domains; that at first glance indicate websites with audiovisual content. But some download websites to watch sports movies, series or the successful sports documentaries that proliferate on Netflix or Disney+ have chosen to have .sport or even more specific extensions such as .soccer.
We have been able to verify that for several months Elitetorrent has had the following websites that use extensions that we could consider sports:
- Elitetorrent.win
- Elitetorrent.futbol
- Elitetorrent.soccer
- Elitetorrent.football
So although the original Elite Torrent website used the .com extension, which is undoubtedly the most used for commercial use websites such as these download and streaming sites, the continued disappearance of these domains for the legal reasons mentioned above has caused many people to register domains similar to Elite Torrent with extensions of this type, such as the case of Elitetorrent.sport, a website registered in 2019 for the first time.
Always recommending that we first look for the sports movies that we want to see on platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+ or Movistar+ if we are in Spain. Normally sports movies like The Way Back can be found since they are recently released. But in the case of classic movies or sports-themed series that have been out of the commercial circuit for years, things get complicated.
In any case, we recommend always confirming that the files we download and the pages from which we do so have the approval of the authorities of the country from which we connect for their distribution. Sharing this type of files when it comes to protected content is a crime in many jurisdictions, so from here we can only warn of the inconveniences that may have to be assumed if using these platforms and not official operators such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video or Disney.