Top Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Indispensable Tool

Email marketing is an indispensable tool for many companies. In the online marketing environment, this action is understood as the use of email for commercial or informational purposes. Compared to other more traditional strategies, email marketing has advantages – some exclusive – that, according to expert sources, are responsible for keeping it alive in the current changing communication landscape.
Firstly, it is a direct, cheap and immediate instrument. In other words, through this channel, a company can automatically communicate with its customers and at a cost well below the amounts associated with traditional advertising. Responses to the moment, real-time reporting reports or the existence of professional mass mailing platforms are other benefits that make communication actions in this format profitable.
As a second advantage, email marketing adapts effectively to the current scenario of hyperconnected users, since reading email takes precedence over other tasks when browsing from the smartphone. The responsive design, which adapts to any screen, and the usability that this tool favors are two other points in its favor.
Email marketing adapts to the current scenario of hyperconnected users
Customizable and double communication are presented as traits linked to the third advantage of this channel: on the one hand, the company knows its recipients and can adapt its shipments to the characteristics of the public -that even receives this communication with its own name- and, On the other hand, this format is no longer synonymous with unidirectionality, but with bidirectional communication. That is, compared to traditional promotional actions in which an issuer -the company- sent a message to a recipient -consumers or potential customers-, now the firms contact their users but also receive their feedback. And in the case of email marketing, in addition to betting on mass mailing, there is also the possibility of individual messages, known as transactional ones.
Fourth, the experts in marketing automation also point to the efficiency of email marketing as a channel that can include links to the products and services of a company in a colorful and easy way from the subject or title of the email. Comments, questions, activations or simple unsubscriptions are other benefits associated with the use of this service. In addition to improving sales, the fact of favoring customer service also makes it possible to retain or retain it through the offer of useful information.
In short mail is increasingly positioned as an indispensable tool. In addition to its advantages, this is demonstrated by the fact that Internet users who access offers in their email have an average, spending 138% higher than those who do not receive them, as pointed out by the sector.