Has Your Password Been Stolen? Here’s How To Find Out

One of the main fears that all Internet users have is that they will steal our passwords. Hackers use various techniques to take control of the services we use, social networks or email. Once they have entered they can do everything they want, from taking control of our identity to accessing other keys to manage our bank accounts or make purchases online.
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There are some pages like PWNED PASSWORDS that can help us. The website has a database with 306 million leaked passwords. In this way, it is possible to know if our password is on the list. We simply enter, write our password in the search box and check. The fact that the password does not appear does not mean that it is not compromised, it simply does not appear on this site.
If our password has been “stolen” a red message will appear indicating how many times it has been involved in a leak. In this case, the password must be changed as soon as possible for a strong and secure one.
Google’s email service informs us that someone is trying to access our account. If we get a message stating that “A suspicious login has been avoided”, it means that a login has been blocked. Google sends an email if unusual activity is detected or you login from a different location or device than usual.
If you detect any activity that you do not recognize, click on “Protect your account”, it is possible that someone else is using your account without your permission. If you can’t log in, go to the account recovery page to answer all possible questions.
On the other hand, remember, a secondary email address will help you regain control of your account. Therefore, try to enter an email that is associated with it.
Prevention is the best way to get hackers to take over our passwords. That is why it is advisable to change the passwords periodically. Always choose a strong and secure password, avoid type 1234 or date of birth, pet name …
On the Internet, you can find pages that generate robust keys and the extension you choose. If you use a public computer, avoid writing passwords and if it is essential, erase all traces that you may have left at the end of the session, pay attention to whether someone is watching. Although you may not believe it, some people are aware of this and then take over your password and your identity.