The best Android antivirus apps in 2020

At a time when smartphones and tablets with the Android operating system have reached such popularity, we must bear in mind that just as we do with our computers, we should think about installing antivirus to keep us safe.
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Do you need an antivirus for Android?
APK files infected by malware created by cybercriminals can be installed on an Android device. Also keep in mind that the approval process for uploading an app in the Google Play Store is very simple, making it also relatively easy for any of these applications to be infected.
BitDefender Mobile
Credits: StackSocial
According to the latest analysis by the company AV-TEST, the results of the BitDefender Mobile Security antivirus are almost perfect when it comes to protecting yourself against malware and detecting potential new attacks.
It includes several anti-theft features, which offer you total protection when you browse the Internet, tips to protect your privacy, and of course, a scanner to find out whether or not your device is infected with viruses.
Norton Mobile Security
Credits: PcMag
Norton Mobile Security is another antivirus that achieved excellent results in the latest AV-TEST report.
In addition to all the benefits related to the security of your device against a possible computer attack, it has functions designed to protect navigation or recover it in the event of loss or theft.
On the other hand, with this program, it is easy to create and recover a backup copy of personal data. The mobile will automatically lock if the SIM card is removed and a photo of the person will be taken using the lost or stolen device.
Credits: Mobile Updates
The fact of having achieved an unbeatable result in the AV-TEST analysis already shows that the PSafe antivirus is excellent. It is an app-only designed for mobile operating systems and that gives you extra security.
By acquiring this antivirus, you have a program that protects against hackers, blocks apps with a key known only to the user to improve device performance, and of course, prevents malware content infection.
Avast Mobile Security
Credits: Inar Guide
Although the Avast Mobile Security antivirus is a completely free application, that does not mean that it is a magnificent program, something that is corroborated by its excellent results in the AV-TEST report.
This antivirus is capable of detecting almost completely all viruses in real-time and absolutely all malware content created in the last four weeks. That makes it a trusted app to have a phone free of infections and attacks.
In addition to all this security, it also includes a function to block your apps with a password, another to prevent unwanted calls, another so that you are the only one who posts on your social networks and another that works as a firewall.
Kaspersky Internet Security for Android
Credit: AlternativeTo
Another program to consider is Kaspersky Internet Security for Android, the version for Android smartphones and tablets of one of the best antivirus for Windows and Mac. Its effectiveness will not disappoint you.
This antivirus offers a wide variety of very useful features: from protecting your device against malware to being able to locate it if it has been stolen or lost.
On the other hand, it also contains anti-theft and anti-fishing functions, as well as blocking calls from commercials or people with whom you do not want to speak and a filter for when browsing the web.